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Some advice for a good sleep {Health}

Normally, we talk fashion all day here on this blog, but from time to time it’s quite good to talk about something else. And since it’s a period in which it’s seems that I can’t get that easy to sleep. In bed. In a comfy room.

After some nights of poor sleep, it’s going to start affecting your work performance and overall health, and in time can lead to a greater risk of developing depression, anger, diabetes and heart diseases. So I’ve searched online and I’ve found some ways to sleep easily.

First, before the sleep period is important – try not to eat at least two hours before going to bed and try to relax your muscles, with simple movements and easy stretching.

It’s important that you have a daily routine, so you can easily prep yourself for every part of the day. If you have a good schedule, it’s easier to get to sleep and get up in the morning.

Another important thing is to keep your room at a good temperature, no more than 15-20 Celsius, depending on how do you handle the cold / heat. It’s important not to be too hot, because you are going to have a sweaty night.

Another advice: try to turn of TV’s or cell phones before going to sleep. They emit blue light, so they are going to be like a stimulant. Try instead reading a book or solving a puzzle.

It’s time to make some changes in my life starting today. I hope that my sleep would improve.

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